The Chesapeake Bay at dawn in early June is a quiet and cool place. The egrets and osprey are active, but few in number in this little beach town. This fellow was rock hopping and getting a bit of breakfast. The last shot was panning the bird in flight as […]
The neighborhood I live in has a small pond, off the historic Town Branch Creek, which runs behind my house. It is a typical suburban track-home neighborhood, with houses barely 8 feet apart, but we are right on the edge nature and it has always surprised me how much flora […]
This week began our “self-isolation” in Lexington, Kentucky. More or less. The University is closing up, restaurants and bars have shut down, but we can still get take-out, gas, and go to the grocery stores. Spring is also coming in with force and it is beautiful. The birds are raucous […]
Near my house there is a overflow pond full of reeds. A few weeks ago hundreds of small birds were there (starlings, I suspect). I did not get out in time to try and photograph them, as they wheeled in the sky then settled in the reeds to chitter and […]
Over Memorial Day weekend we had the pleasure of being on Tybee Island and the nearby water. At low tide sandbars appear as islands and people bring up their boats, offload chairs, coolers, and their dogs (dogs aren’t allowed on most beaches). Meanwhile the birds take advantage of the low […]