We have traveled through Iceland many times since Iceland Air often has very good rates to/from the US and Europe. They cleverly offer extended layovers at no change in your flight prices and this year we took advantage of that, spending two and half days there. In one day, we […]
Near my house there is a overflow pond full of reeds. A few weeks ago hundreds of small birds were there (starlings, I suspect). I did not get out in time to try and photograph them, as they wheeled in the sky then settled in the reeds to chitter and […]
Yesterday there were massive rains on the mountain. I am told that it even dislodged boulders that rolled into the streets causing massive damage to cars and the roadway. I took another two more hikes after the rain, last evening and again this morning. Here are few shots, particularly of […]
This morning as the sun came up the dew was thick upon the grass and near me was the camera with the 200-500mm lens on it. Nikon says it is good for macro photography so why not? Being a 6 pound lens it is a bit unwieldy for a lot […]
I have often been told by professional friends that giving yourself an assignment is the best way to keep yourself engaged and learning in your photography. I have done this in various ways, but especially in just taking pictures of what I see everyday. A recent post on Digital Photography […]
I have loved orchids ever since I first read Nero Wolfe as a kid (Timothy Hutton did a great TV adaptation a few years ago). I already enjoyed horticulture and to have a detective-hero who had his own greenhouse where he nurtured and nursed his blooming children made it obvious that […]
This is the building in which my office is housed. It was originally built in 1937 (see image below) and was a woman’s residence hall and was named after Frances Washburn Atherton, the wife of the 4th president of Penn State. In 1997 construction began on creating office space within […]
I am back from my trip to Freiburg, Germany. It was a very productive time and on the last day, yesterday, the sun broke through just long enough to get some pictures at the flower market taking place in the Freiburg Münsterplatz. This statue, presumably of St. George, since he is […]
After a great 2.5 days with colleagues I am headed home. I am currently in Frankfurt Flughaf after an easy 2 hour train ride and awaiting a mere 14 hours more of travel.
I am very fortunate to be able to travel for Penn State this summer. I was recently named as chair of Freiburg “Faculty Implementation Committee,” or “FIT.” Last spring a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between PSU and the University of Freiburg. This is a university-wide agreement and we […]
Today was the last day of school for our kiddos. For the boy it was a half day and for the girl they had a pool party. (A bit brisk apparently.) After a few pictures of the kids getting on the bus I snapped one or two of my wife’s […]