We have traveled through Iceland many times since Iceland Air often has very good rates to/from the US and Europe. They cleverly offer extended layovers at no change in your flight prices and this year we took advantage of that, spending two and half days there. In one day, we […]
Thirty years ago this October (in other words, in October 1993), Elizabeth and I arrived at Yarnton Manor, to take up residence on the second floor of the Old Vicarage and attend the (then) Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew and Jewish Studies. We are back for our 30th anniversary and […]
I was on Tybee Island, GA this past weekend and captured a few sunrise photos. I did not have a tripod so this was all handheld, but the results are not bad.
When in Rome…we visited perhaps the most interesting monument to me, a scholar of ancient Judaism. The Arch of Titus was built in 82 CE by Domitian after the death of his older brother, Titus. It commemorates Titus’ victories, particularly the siege and conquest of Jerusalem in 70 CE, depicted […]
Florence, “Firenze” in Italian (I only point that out because I had no idea), is a beautiful, busy, and crowded city. Taking good pictures of the buildings would require a tilt-shift lens, but I was fascinated by the people taking selfies. I am not going to criticize them, I don’t […]
Yesterday there were massive rains on the mountain. I am told that it even dislodged boulders that rolled into the streets causing massive damage to cars and the roadway. I took another two more hikes after the rain, last evening and again this morning. Here are few shots, particularly of […]
For Episcopalians in the southeast Sewanee, the home of the University of the South, is considered the “Holy Mountain.” I am spending this year in Nashville and this week took a bit of a retreat to St. Mary’s Sewanee. We have had massive amounts of rain, but before the storms came I […]
For Father’s Day 2016 my wife and daughter took me to the beautiful neighboring town of Bellefonte for their “Cruise” and a ride on the historic train. It was a short journey of 4.5 miles, but when you are only making 6 miles an hour, it takes a while. I took […]
There are a wide variety of doors and doorhandles in Freiburg. Consider this the beginning of a series.
When we stay in Freiburg we walk into town at least once a day, just to stretch our legs and pick up some groceries. (These little fridges make US-size shopping impossible!) Today I took my D810 and 50mm 1.8.
We travelled up to the small island of Föhr, off the northwest coast of Germany in the Nordsee and part of the North Frisian Islands. It is a beautiful little island, only 32 square miles, with a residential population of 8,000.
The Normandie Hotel was clearly a gorgeous hotel in its heyday. Built in 1945 it has been closed for years. The toothless-man working the parking lot told me that it was being renovated. A quick look on the internet told me that this has been the case since it closed. […]