No, this is not a political appeal or a reference to the upcoming election. It is about the SS United States. A few weeks ago we went to see Real Madrid v. Celtics at the new Eagle’s stadium. I left the ladies shopping at Ikea and directly across the parking lot was this old, rusting hulk of a ship. Clearly formerly majestic, now it was just sitting there waiting to become scrap…unless. Unless we save it! That is the appeal and I have to say, it’s history is compelling. At one time she held the fastest trans-Atlantic crossing record:
July 7, 1952
SS United States passes Bishop’s Rock at 6:16 A.M. ship’s time (5:16 A.M. Greenwich Mean Time), marking the end of the official transatlantic passage. She completed the transit in 3 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes, with an average speed of 35.59 knots, utterly shattering the Queen Mary’s standing record.
You can find out more and help with the restoration at